Rover 10

<I>This Rover 10 is from 1937 and you can see it in Sweden.
This Rover 10 is from 1937 and you can see it in Sweden.

<I>This Rover 10 from 1932 belongs to Nigel Dickinson in the UK  </I>
This Rover 10 from 1932 belongs to Nigel Dickinson in the UK

Nigel's own words about the car:
I am the proud owner of the 10 special. I live in Walsall, in the West Midlands. I bought the car April 2003 after a long search. The car was first registered to a Mr George Evans, 03.12.32. After his death it passed on to his son in 1952 and remained in the same family until approximately 1970.
It was then sold to a Rover dealer in Southern England and remained there for approximately 25 years. It was then re-commissioned in 1994 and then sold into private ownership again.
Apart from the wings being resprayed, I believe the rest of the car to be in original condition. The mileage is now 46,000, which is genuine.
I am also the owner of a 1947 Rover 16 sports saloon; and I'm currently having a 1939 Rover DHC restored.
Nigel Dickinson

<I> This Rover 10 from 1936 belongs to Les Baldwin in the UK </I>
This Rover 10 from 1936 belongs to Les Baldwin in the UK

Les Baldwin in Gloucester, UK, says he's a bit mad about cars. Besides beeing a fulltime firefighter he runs a Luxuary Chauffeur Business, and he has owned more than 300 different cars.
He bought this Rover 10 in 1998 and uses it in the business.
Les says that it's a beautiful car to look at, great fun to drive, exceptionally popular and up to now...very reliable.


Did you know

...that the Sargasso Sea also is an international meeting place for eels. Drawn by unknown forces, the snakelike fish come from Europe, the Mediterranean and the United States to mate, spawn and die. From there, their larvae make the long journey back to continental waters.


Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

Read more

History of this day

1900: Labour Party forms in England