Mathew Smith's 3500S

This P6 3500S from 1973 belongs to Mathew Smith in the UK.
This P6 3500S from 1973 belongs to Mathew Smith in the UK.

Mathew have equipped his 3500S with a five speed SD1 gearbox, and "Free flow" perforated number plate to aid cooling of the engine.


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... that Gibraltar is named after a former slave?


Uppdaterat 2009-03-27

Tata buys Land Rover and the Roverbrand

In March 2008 the heavily indebted Ford Company sold their British prestigious carmakers Jaguar and Land Rover along with the Rover Brand, the Daimler brand and the Lanchester brand.

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History of this day

1985: Milton Obote, the President of Uganda, is overthrown by the military